tl; dr: our wronged picks the smite move from the divine playbook. Could her signature weapon be considered as a divine weapon for the smite move and so always count as a monster’s weakness?
Hi guys! The Wronged in my new game is an angel-hunter (establishing that angels are not always do-gooders). First mystery, they fight an angelic creature whose weaknesses are the will of god, the weapons of the devil, or a pure heart. They confront him in a church. She drops on her knees facing the holy cross and starts praying to get help from god in destroying this creature. Big magic, she already is in the right place saying the right words, but still needs to use magic to communicate with something. She obviously spends luck, et voilà, her hand cannon starts shooting holy bolts. More over, her 10+ kick some ass roll allows her to force him where she want him: she wants him in hell. She then proceeds to pick her new improvement: we’re deciding between +1 weird, or the Smite move from the divine playbook. Now, could her signature wronged weapon be considered as the divine weapon for the move to make it always count like a monster’s weakness? Thank you all for taking the time to read all of this!
My non-helpful answer… it’s up to you and your group!
First possibility: has their signature weapon really been a divine weapon all along? Then yes, smite works as is.
Second possibility: change the wording of the Wronged’s version of smite to say “signature weapon ” instead of “divine weapon”. < - I guess this is probably the best way to go.
Third possibility: they need to go on a quest to find the Wronged a divine weapon to wield!
For some reason this reminds me of Dean when he had the Mark of Cain and the blade.
Fiction first: from the story you told, it makes sense… just remember the Lord works in mysterious ways and gifts like that come with strings attached.
Michael Sands thanks! I too would have gone with your #2, but she got fascinated with #3 and the idea of questing around and now I have to create an Arc that will include a divine weapon for her to find 😁
Jared Rascher her hunter is totally a Dean Winchester rip-off! All of this came up because she’s interested in having her own Colt.
Grey Kitten well now I have to create God as a monster threat. This game is about to get ridiculously good!