Change playbooks.

Change playbooks.

Change playbooks. Our Bull is switching to a Nova. She has a locked label, two +1 to labels and permanently removed influence from someone. Does she lose those three things? In other words, her label is unlocked, she goes back to +3 sum on her labels and she could possible be influenced by that person again? Or would she keep some of that?

5 thoughts on “Change playbooks.”

  1. “Keep your Labels exactly the same as they were before you switched playbooks,”

    “Use the advancement track on your new playbook, but transfer any marks you’ve made below the line—those advances don’t “refresh” when you change playbooks.” p.117

    The only advances you “lose” when you change playbooks is the ability to mark advances you haven’t taken. For example your bull turned nova couldn’t choose two more rolls for the bulls heart.

  2. Thanks Arc Gamedirector. We’re thinking the lock kinda restricts the new story line thread so we’re opting to let it go. However, I made a separate post about whether that lock should exist in the first place.

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