I’m kicking around stuff for a campaign and wasn’t happy with the Debt rules. The new Debt System Sean posted is an improvement, but I felt it was a little too fiddly. I decided to tweak it, taking some inspiration from AW Hx mechanics and here is what I came up with. Interested to hear what folks think.
I’m kicking around stuff for a campaign and wasn’t happy with the Debt rules.
I’m kicking around stuff for a campaign and wasn’t happy with the Debt rules.
I really like that End of Session move. Now that I think of it, UW needs more End of Session moves like this – as it helps you reflect on your actions during the session and the perceived desires of various factions. “Hey did blowing up that station help a faction?” / “Ohhhh nooo…. it DID… shit shit shit…”
(grin) Been there, did that, with the last UW game I ran.
This is super neat. Since the shift of what Carta Galaxia is, I’ve put the Debt re-design on the back-burner for now (if/when UW 2e ever happens). This is touching on some good stuff, and I’d love to iterate/integrate it when the time comes (with your approval, natch).
Sean Gomes Of course.
Sorry for Necroing, but I just want to say that I love this – have you been running it as is Eric Berg? Or is there iterations?
Victor Segell Sadly, I only got a few sessions into the game where I was using it. It seemed to be working well, but I haven’t had any opportunity to do further development.
Eric Berg Well, I’ll try it out next game!