I don’t understand Brass Brilliant’s move: “Provide validation to a potential ally”, from the deck of villainy. Any advice ?
I don’t understand Brass Brilliant’s move: “Provide validation to a potential ally”, from the deck of villainy.
I don’t understand Brass Brilliant’s move: “Provide validation to a potential ally”, from the deck of villainy.
“Of course it isn’t something you did – your friends are simply being foolish; they can’t see the bigger picture here. You, on the other hand…”
“You’ve got grit, Peter. I understand what Liz sees in you. At first I wasn’t sure, but I see it now.”
Or, alternatively, “All those teeming millions, they exist to support a few remarkable people. You, me, we’re remarkable. Imagine what we could accomplish… together.”
Basically, just play Brilliant as a Spider-Man villain: they don’t want to just defeat Spidey… they see that Spider-Man is just as reviled by society as they are (if not more) and so they imagine that the right sales pitch can bring the misguided hero around as an ally.
Thanks for the replies; now I understand what it is about.
Any ideas of how the move could be expressed with other words ? I am trying to translate it to french and « provide validation » just can’t be translated as-is.
Perhaps something like « show empathy to a potential ally »?
Guy Blavin is there a term that emphasizes the praise part of showing empathy? Part of the flavor here isn’t just “I get what you are saying/doing” but specifically agreeing with something that has a little more villainous tint to it.
There is no mix between empathy and praise in french, that’s too bad Andrew Matiukas
Would ” Praise a misjudged hero to win him over ” do the trick ? This sentence is “mirrorable” in french.
Guy Blavin That could work. The main point I was trying to emphasize is that the English phrasing on it is not just on understanding but also on agreeing with something that could make the hero look like an ally.
Cool, thank you all
Steffi Kyle so, you see it as a confort move directed to an ally, and not a tentation directed on a hero ?
« Approve a misjudged hero’s actions to win him over » Andrew Matiukas ?
Guy Blavin yeah, that captures the feel I got on it.
Steffi Kyle I may be reading too much in on a single word, but “POTENTIAL ally” doesn’t really fit with henchmen.
Steffi Kyle Hmm, that could be an interesting way to do more nuanced villains. I’m going to try your idea as well, thanks.