The East TX U campaign continues, with a not-vampire, a shock jock, and maybe a case of mono going around?

The East TX U campaign continues, with a not-vampire, a shock jock, and maybe a case of mono going around?

Originally shared by Richard Rogers (orklord)

The East TX U campaign continues, with a not-vampire, a shock jock, and maybe a case of mono going around?

starring: Paul Edson, Julia Nienaber, Jan van Zon, and Alex Prinz

2 thoughts on “The East TX U campaign continues, with a not-vampire, a shock jock, and maybe a case of mono going around?”

  1. This is a great series, Rich is a fantastic Keeper and is working with an outstanding cast of characters. I have been looking forward breathlessly each week to watching/listining to the next epesode.

  2. I love the ETU setting, but I used it with the Cinematic Unisystem (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Army of Darkness systems), I just started watching your videos and I’m interested to see more!

    I never imagined using Monster of the Week, but used Pinebox, Texas for our short lived Monsterhearts 2 series, Pinebox High.

    Keep it coming!

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