I have a question about James Mullen ‘s The ‘Hood.
When you reach enough experience you can choose ‘Advance a basic move’ or ‘Advance a move from your playbook’ but I haven’t found advancements for peripheral moves like Get rough or Open fire, neither for playbooks moves.
I’m a bit confused. Am I missing something?
In the Moves Like Jagger chapter, there is a suggested advancement for each of the basic moves, following the description of each one. These are based around getting much better results when you roll a 12+ for that move, though there is the option to treat that move as if you had paid cash for it. if you prefer that..
Advancing a move from your own playbook is a matter for discussion between players & MC: this is not an option to take just to see what you get. If you’re looking at a move in your playbook and thinking “If only I could do [X] with that,” then advancing it is an option to make it perform the way you want it to.
There aren’t any options for advancing peripheral moves, you can only advance basic moves or playbook moves. I hope that all helps you.
Thanks a lot for the answer, James Mullen.
I think is a very good option because as you explain you can improve your character without covering playbooks with too many moves.
By the way, what’s the meaning of jagger? Is some kind of slang? Sorry for this silly question, English is not my mother language as you can see so sometimes I get stuck with idioms.
Seibei Jagger as in Mick Jagger, the lead singer of The Rolling Stones. The chapter title “Moves like Jagger” refers to the song “Moves like Jagger” by Maroon 5, and also — of course — Moves in the game! It’s a silly play on words
Hahahaha… Ok, thanks Alfred Rudzki Hitchcock
I think it would be very funny yet difficult translating this awesome game into Spanish.