I reallyreallyreally want to play Mage the Awakening (World of Darkness). But my players had trouble learning the rules even for the Mortals line.
Now I`m searching for a PbtA-game that could simulate this game closely (magic is powerful, but corrupts).
Sean Hess made an amazing playbook for Urban Shadows https://plus.google.com/105412788272878650505/posts/gM8F9YrQNLr
But I was wondering if you guys knew if any other system. Cheers!
I’d recommend Urban shadows! Also Tyler Lominack is developing a changling the lost ptba hack that sounds up your alley!
Oh I see it’s for Urban shadows, well done! Might try this with my mage group one day.
Well, I do play Urban Shadows and really like it, but Magic is way too simplified and it’s more urban political than magical mysteries for what I’m looking for to still my hunger (Sean Hess’ stuff not included in the simplified magic-thing).
I’ll look into the Changeling-stuff!
Asher Silberman, do you mean Lowell Francis hack?
Your right, I played in Tyler’s game of it and got confused.
I’ll have to take a look at that playbook. There’s also Tommy Rayburn’s massive PbtA US hack which covers a lot of the WoD and at least might serve as a good template/sourcebook for ideas.
You could try apocalypse world’s inspiration, Sorcerer adept-press.com – Sorcerer ; here is the description : https://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/9/9606.phtml ; it’s exactly about that.
I swear there was a Mage-inspired PbtA game, but I can’t for the life of me remember what it was called.
There’s an Ars Magica one, I know that.
Oh that’s probably what I was thinking of
THANK YOU Grégory Meurant, Sorcerer seems absolutely amazing. I’m eyeing through the PDF i bought now. Have you played it? Any forums I should look into?
And thank you Lowell Francis and Thomas Berton, I’ll check that one out as well!
I’ve come across a PbtA hack for Mage the Ascension called “The Consensus”, which I recall being promising, but never gave it more than a skim (too many games to run first).
Sergio Maximo Jr. A quick google found it here github.com – epw/consensus
Asher Silberman thanks! I was going to link it later, as I’m on the mobile.