Greetings all!

Greetings all!

Greetings all! My 7 year old daughter is interested in RPGs. I figure PbtA is a pretty easy system to start her off. Now I’ve never played a PbtA game, but I’ve listened to several APs of them. My question is:

Is there any PbtA games that let you play a fairy? I’ve seen Midsummer Wood, but that is competitive. I will be running for my wife and daughter.

Thanks in advance!

16 thoughts on “Greetings all!”

  1. Urban Shadows I think can accomplish it but that one is much more adult in nature so you would likely want to change things.

    Are you totally set on PbtA? Perhaps something like Fate Accelerated might work?

  2. Hey all! Particularly Fuzzy Goblyn , I am working on a game that could fit the bill and there specifically IS a Fairy Princess character. The game is Princess World and it’s in early development.

    Please touch base and we can talk more! #PrincessWorld

  3. Absolutely Dungeon World. You can probably quickly make a Fairy playbook from existing books. There is something from “Inverse World” called a … I forget now, but it’s a flying type creature that could represent a fairy, I think.

  4. I second those who say Dungeon World. I play it with my 8 y/o and a bunch of his friends. It’s pretty sweet. I think creating a fairy class is pretty simple, but you need to get a hang of the game first, so I’d start with the regular classes, perhaps adding a fairy racial move…

  5. Thanks for all the suggestions! I’ll have to investigate this weekend! I have not played any PbtA before, only listened to Actual Plays. It sounds fairly straight forward. I have also never played any version of Fate. I’ve listened to some APs of Fate, it seems complicated. I’ll have to check out Faerie Skies. At this point I don’t think she would be interested in anything but fairies.

  6. Kevin Petker , I tried to enter the community of princess world, but I am still waiting.

    Sorry to bother, but I exited the community by mistake and now I am still waiting to enter.

    Got two daughters 7 and 4 and I would gladly try your draft

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