Hi. I just got my copy of MotW, and it looks awesome. If I have one concern, it’s that the PCs seem to advance and peak very quickly. Is it possible to have characters in a long, extended campaign? For people who have played and run the game, how does the advancement system work for you?
Like many other PtbA games MotW is a “flatter” game with “leveling up” having relatively less effect on play. In the style of modern games campaigns tend last around 20 sessions at most in my experience. The luck system in MotW like sanity in Call of Cthulhu will eventually force player death or retirement. Horror players often expect this but it can be harsh on other RRPGers who think if they survive a level or two they are bad asses. In MotW you start as a badass already, gain experience then like in real life you’re luck runs out. On the other hand players joining, skipping sessions and rejoining is a breeze and the narrative style of play means both you and your players have more control over the game than ever before.
Well, how long is a “long, extended campaign” for you?
Most #PbtA games work well in campaigns running for about 8 -12 sessions before you hit the advancement ceiling. However there are always ways to tweak it for longer games.
Yes, it’s designed for a “TV series” sort of length of game – the hunters will level up pretty quick and become pretty awesome in 5-10 sessions.
There are two things to consider for longer games:
1. characters can retire or change type, so the game can go on longer than it initially looks (perhaps with new hunters replacing those that have burnt out)
2. If you want to go slower, just increase the number of experience needed to level up.
If hunters are leveling fast, it probably means they are failing rolls a lot. Failing actions usually means the hunters are getting hurt or getting set up to be hurt.