Hey podcasters/streamers/actual play broadcasters,
I’d like to put up a page linking to any and all MotW actual plays available to listen/watch. If you’ve got some, please give me a link to them and I’ll include it.
Hey podcasters/streamers/actual play broadcasters
Hey podcasters/streamers/actual play broadcasters,
I’d like to put up a page linking to any and all MotW actual plays available to listen/watch. If you’ve got some, please give me a link to them and I’ll include it.
Comments are closed.
Do you also want to collect PbF actual plays?
Are textual records acceptable? My group isn’t interested in video or audio recording.
I am building a similar page on the fellowship site. I have posted here all the actual plays i know of..
I guess you only look for MotW actual plays in english, don’t you?
http://www.maxsminions.com – Troublesome Times in Tumbleson County – Mississippi in the Great Depression – O Brother! Where Art Thou? + Hellboy
maxsminions.com – Welcome to Minionworks™!
Also we’re doing another MotW series expanding on The Mole King’s Brides
David Rivas no, I would love to include other languages, too.
Felix Girke Aaron Dalton I am happy to include text actual play as well
Michael Sands someone else shared a link to this earlier, but The Unexplored Places is a good podcast: unexploredcast.tumblr.com – Deliverance, OH
Well then: rpggeek.com – Monster of the Week | Play By Forum | Forum | RPGGeek hosts games run since Sept. 2012. One actually ongoing since then.
here is a link to our Keeper’s Fellowship AP. we only have one mystery so far, but the second one starts next week. youtube.com – KFRR Monster of the Week M1S-Zero: Team Building
David Rivas yes please post any language here I will post on the the Keeper’s Fellowship page as well as what Michael is doing
First take on the index is up! genericgames.co.nz – Monster of the Week Actual Plays Index
We have several sessions on the Sunday Skypers:
sunday-skypers.podbean.com – On the season finale of Monster of the Week: The Trouble Fixers are …
I will try to keep this mirrored at kfsrr.org – Actual Play
Season 2 of The Adventure Zone is MotW.
maximumfun.org – The Adventure Zone | Maximum Fun
In you are interested, the YouTube channel Gdr Unplugged played a 9-episode campaign in Italian:
youtube.com – Il Mostro della Settimana – Nerds – YouTube
The Gauntlet YT channel is numerous sessions of MotW in their playlist of games facilitated through the Gauntlet Calendar.
Guys from RPPR has some: actualplay.roleplayingpublicradio.com – Monster of the Week | RPPR Actual Play
This is the playlist of the first mystery of our group of hunters (3 sessions, less than 2 hours each).
youtube.com – En casa del Herrero | Monster of the Week – Sesión 01
David Rivas What title for that series? Should I list it as “En casa del herrero” or is that the first mystery title? Also, is it in Spanish?
Michael Sands In fact we plan it as a series of mysteries loosely connected one to another or directly independent. “En casa del herrero” is the title of the first episode/mystery (made up of three sessions). Next mystery is called “Gloria, gloria” (based on Mark Tygart’s Necromancer’s Gambit) and has been already played and finished in Orgullo Freak youtube channel but it hasn’t been made public yet.
The name of the whole series is called “Red Penny Club”. And yes, it is Spanish.
David Rivas Cool, thanks!
Michael Sands I think, RPPR has to be in an Audio section
Николай Голубев ah, good catch, thanks
We streamed our most recent game here: twitch.tv – Twitch
I’ll post again when we put the youtube and soundcloud versions together.
rxbceq.dm.files.1drv.com – bit.ly/GWJ-Monsters – It’s only semi-official so far, it’s host site is a forum thread rather than it’s own site, and the first 3 sessions we didn’t record (though we have a full write-up of what happened at the site listed in the podcast Comments thread, and I’ve been thinking of doing recap audio and dropping it into the feed)
This is an actual play podcast that launched like 2 weeks ago, but they dropped 5 episodes at launch, and put a new one out every Wednesday. Good reviews for it so far.
itunes.apple.com – The Critshow by The Critshow Podcast on Apple Podcasts
also at
We stream weekly for our Monster of the Week campaign here. dinnerandagame.net – When you take your role playing games to the next level!
Would love to have you on the show for an interview if you have time sir!
Dinner and a Game I guess that was aimed at me? Happy to do it, timezones allowing!
Michael Sands yes sir it was I apologize for not tagging you. I sent you a google chat invite from Ray A Smith Jr(which is me)