I ran a mission yesterday and my hacker got some paydata. And we were wondering how much cred one gets from selling it by hitting the streets?
I ran a mission yesterday and my hacker got some paydata.
I ran a mission yesterday and my hacker got some paydata.
I always assumed it was just 1. But now I see it’s not clear. I’d just go with 1.
3 cred for a 10+
2 cred for 7-9
1 cred for 6-
I’d go with 1 too
I just did the same in a game I am playing.
I left it vague intentionally. This is definitely a lever that the MC can use to add more cred to the game if they feel that they need to.
Remember that if it’s worth a lot to someone, it’s probably worth a lot to many people, and they might not be forgiving of its exposure. Attach strings; make enemies; complicate everything.
Hamish Cameron That makes sense. Thanks!
Omari Brooks I actually like that idea. I’d probably tone it down by saying:
10+ = 2 cred
7-9 = 1 cred, and an appropriate clock is advanced, as someone saw the exchange, and told the right people.
6- = 0 cred, and you are caught with it trying to sell it, or possessing it, which leads to a criminal record. Generate a law enforcement clock and put it up to 18:00.
Chad Caszatt
I always assume that the player is going to incur enough fictional penalties trying to get the pay data in the first place.
For me pay data isn’t easily accessible and will take significant effort on the part of the PCs to obtain.
So if they are already attracting extra complications from rolling 6- (and they are) providing at least 1 cred is incentive for them to go after that next piece of pay data instead of classifying the entire process as more effort than it is worth.
Excellent point Omari. I was thinking more about attempting to find a buyer, which can always go wrong. To me, it’s similar to getting paid. Bad stuff can happen to the team at the end of a mission, and they probably went through hell in the first place, only to get the shaft at the end.
Chad Caszatt Hit the Streets already covers sales prices.
On a 10+, you get more than its value.
On a 7-9, there’s a complication. “…[C]ost you extra” implies the stolen goods discount the contact demands is more than you thought. Your 2 Cred paydata sells for 1 now.
Ah! Thank you.
I’m still learning the system, and I overlooked that. Perfect.
To that end, maybe I should be setting the default price at 2 Cred, so the “it costs extra” option on Hit The Street 7-9 makes sense. Or maybe I’ll start asking the players what it’s worth and giving them that classic GM “giving you enough rope” smile.
I really like the latter idea. I’ve always held to the idea presented in Cyberpunk (2013), which was reprinted in the 2020 version. “Play fair, but play for keeps.”
It definitely keep in line with the MC Agenda, “Fill the characters’lives with action, intrigue, and complication.”
Damn, that’s what I love about this genre. It keeps everyone in suspense and never lets up!