Originally shared by Adrian Thoen
A new version of Impulse Drive is available!
The biggest changes are to the questions in Scope It Out Move, and bookmarks and page links.
Adrian Thoen I was the guy who citicized the art for The Hound when you released it. I want you to know I felt bad about being so harsh, and the art looks really good together, including The Hound. You are a very talented individual and it is clear this game is a labor of love for you. You are doing an awesome job.
Again, I am sorry I was harsh before. As long as all of the art isn’t exclusively anthropomorphised animals, I am happy. Your art looks great and I am looking forward to getting Impulse Drive in print.
Thank you for the kind words David!
Each piece I do is progressively getting more competent as my skills come back to me, and more complex as I attempt to go for more ambitious concepts with the illustrations.
I’m still testing effects and looks and have gone back and modified some of the older pieces as I go, so nothing is ‘final’
Most of the remaining character art will be ‘mostly human’, featuring some folks with digitigrade legs and some alien features (think star trek aliens)