Hi all, what do you think of this move? It actually uses a “dice pool” depending on the number of PCs that take part in the hunt. Is it too weird?
Originally shared by Mike Espinoza (Azlath)
#NahualRPG #3amDesign
So I came up with this move for the hunting activity of the angeleros. (Yes, I totally stole that engage in a hunt from John Harper’s Blades in the Dark’s engagement roll) What do you all think? The idea is to let players decide if they want to play a whole hunt or just roll the dice and move on, depending on each table and situation.
So the more participants, the more the die roll tends towards the average? Is that the intent?
Cool idea, but highest + lowest is going to skew oddly as the participants go up.
Probably better to just roll 2d6 as usual.
James Mullen yes, the idea is that more people is noiser, but also there’s teamwork, so it has its cons and pros.
Aaron Griffin I wan to keep the fiction interesting, giving the 2 highest will likely result in 10+ always. Also as I say in my reply to James, a bigger group of hunters would have more trouble hiding from prey.
Dean Baker I wan to give a try to a different “team-work” mechanic.
Mike Espinoza Right, but your proposed mechanic doesn’t actually do that, since the team’s stats don’t even come into play or anything.
How about a move that is made more powerful when played immediately following certain other basic moves by teammates? Give them a +2 teamwork bonus or something. Or better yet, a move that has a cool effect, and empowers a teammate to take a certain kind of action afterward. Or maybe even both!