Here i share with you my hero:

Here i share with you my hero:

Here i share with you my hero:


He’s an alien from a planet of shapeshifting beings who fly to the earth to become a superhero, because in her planet it is only one more, and in the EARTH IS SO EASY CATCH THE HIGHLIGHT.

Is an alien who pretends to be human, and fake the origins and extend of her powers. And… Youtuber.

Best Achievements so far:

Being Choose Leader of the Team

Bring a Villain (Cygnus) to her side (girlfriend)

Endure bad press against him

Start an amazing party in a dance club

4 thoughts on “Here i share with you my hero:”

  1. Steffi Kyle She is a bed crusher, actually… The party end with Elastro, Cygnus and two more ladies in the VIP of the VIP… IGNORING FOR COMPLETE THE BATTLE OF HIS TEAM TWO FLOORS DOWN. Worst leader ever.

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