I wanted to see the AEGIS cover with the playbooks featured in it so I did a mock cover with the brain, soldier, and the reformed
I wanted to see the AEGIS cover with the playbooks featured in it so I did a mock cover with the brain, soldier, and…
I wanted to see the AEGIS cover with the playbooks featured in it so I did a mock cover with the brain, soldier, and the reformed
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Very good! Pretty good actually.
Is that a tank of coelacanths behind the Reformed?
Nestor Rodriguez if you mean the robot, it’s actually the robot suit the brain had in the aegis book just a little redesigned because the arms made no sense to me or anyone I showed it to
Blue, no, actually I meant the image on the far right. I assumed (I guess incorrectly) the figure with the eye stripe was the aforementioned Reformed.
I have to shamefully admit that I have not had the chance to finish reading the AEGIS book (Too many games! Not enough time!) so I’m not familiar with the characters.
Nestor Rodriguez the one on the right is the soldier, just leaning against the wall as something is exploding around the corner. The reformed is the one in the middle, actually from the first expansion!
Ah, I see it now. Sorry for my bumbling perception.
But now I want a villain to threaten the heroes with being lowered into a tank of “carnivorous coelacanths”.