Originally shared by Eric “No-Sleeves Mcgee” Lamoureux
Let’s say I wanted to share a blank map online to my group so that we could populate (draw borders, add labels, etc) it in real time. What would you recommend I use?
Can Google Draw do that? Roll20?
I’d probably use Google slides. One slide for the broad map, follow up slides for specific areas, cities, sub regions
You could try realtimeboard. I think it would work better than Google Draw for larger maps. I used it for brainstorming and it’s really nice.
Here’s an example of board I created for brainstorming a cyberpunknsetting using using pictures I found. Ability to zoom in and out could let you embed local maps onto larger ones in a single humongous map https://realtimeboard.com/app/board/iXjVOfsbV_k=/
realtimeboard.com – Savage Tech
Etienne Lefebvre looks cool! Thanks