Hi everyone, I just go the game and am eager to get it on the table.

Hi everyone, I just go the game and am eager to get it on the table.

Hi everyone, I just go the game and am eager to get it on the table. Brand new, so get ready for a slew of posts from a confused newbie!

When making your map at character creation, are most of the locations you make instead Homeland or outside?

At character gen, are those locations in the playbooks mostly inside Homeland, as I thought it was supposed to be relatively safe (according to page 20), relatively?

How often do you find the adventures go outside homeland or do you explore within more often?

How do you find players determine where theyre faction in set up, and how many additional towns do you usually scatter around, that ARENT dictated as part of the playbook locations?

Im just trying to figure out more of the world setup, thank you for your support. I know this can all very game to game but Im just trying to figure out how things work.

13 thoughts on “Hi everyone, I just go the game and am eager to get it on the table.”

  1. I think these are all questions you answer from the growing narrative from that set up. Let the group decide them and you will get something different every time that is organic with what is being created.

  2. Luke JW Uggh! What a perfectly acceptable PBTA answer! =P

    I have a this need to be prepared, especially with a game with more moving parts than your average PBTA, and sometimes I have players that take a few minutes to get their juices flowing, so Im trying to get ideas for what others have done to make good leading questions to kinda poke them in the right direction.

    Though you’re entirely not wrong =P

  3. Ha 🙂 FWIW in my game we had a homeland at the centre of the map and most of the mysterious stuff to be explored was around that. However, we expanded the map with each Age. However, I really wouldn’t want to be limited to that in every Legacy game I play.

  4. Morgan Robertson one thing to keep in mind is that only one of the three lifestyle choices that each family has is settled- the rest (nomadic, dispersed) don’t really have single homes.

  5. So it’s definitely possible to overthink things in world creation. I’d recommend letting players answer questions as they come up. Don’t decide what the world is before they pick statlines, and don’t decide where the homeland is until you’ve placed the landmarks down and can decide what looks like a safe area. Once you’ve got your homeland and its settlements, then decide as a group where each family is – if they’re settled, pick or draw a settlement. If they’re dispersed, are there any settlements they avoid? If they’re nomadic, where are they at the start of the game?

  6. Morgan Robertson: they were pretty close together, but that depended on the chooses made during Family creation. Three families had a need for recruits meaning that they had small populations and also some were dispersed, transient and settled. As such, one was sort of the main population base, one travelled around that area, another was on the outskirts and another had one of a few settlements in that area but not all.

  7. Wow, my characters all just finished their Lifestyle choices (it’s slow playing online!) and I realized all of them chose either nomadic or dispersed (other than the Uplifted, which don’t get a similar choice, though from their description they seem pretty nomadic/dispersed).

    Now I gotta come up with settlements for them to all be scatterd about in 🙂

  8. Michael Barrett I dont think you do! Or at least you dont have to!

    Use some of the locations they pick and put on the map as those cities, even ones that dont seem like cities (“An inpenetrable vault” – great its been hollowed out and it used as a stronghold…).

    After those are all on the map, then make the players themselves add map features and figure out whose roaming where!

    If you wouldnt mind jumping back here once you guys are done with world gen, Id love to see your results.

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