Hey Gang,
I just finished some playaids for The Regiment-Colonial Marines and I’d thought they may be of use to others too.
Hey Gang
Hey Gang,
I just finished some playaids for The Regiment-Colonial Marines and I’d thought they may be of use to others too.
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Also, wound tracks for the rebels in the Epsilon starter adventure:
drive.google.com – Rebels and Phoenix Forces Wound Tracks.pdf
Really nice!
But I can’t see your wound tracks ! ?
What is the difference between a “gun team” and a “rifle team”?
Jeff Jones obviously, the Gun team have a machine gun. Heavy Weapon team or Support team could be use.
Thanks, Jean-Michael. If it was obvious I wouldn’t have asked. 😉 I assume that was the case but looking at the pictures having 4 people support that single weapon the person on the left is carrying seemed odd. I realize it is probably stock art…but it seemed weird (that and the rifle team not carrying rifles)
Is this available as a Google Doc?
Jeff Jones The art is from the USCM technical manual, (which uses the movie as a basis for the unit structure) but I’ve used the Platoon structure that John Harper suggests in the ruleset.
I’ve interpreted the squad structure of 3 x 4 man fireteams + Sergeant. The composition is generally one smartgunner team per squad, but you could have more.
Have a google drive image of this?