I just started MOTW as a keeper and have been having a great time as a new GM. I’m now two mysteries in and realized I haven’t done anything with my player The Monstorous’s dark master curse.
I was curious how other players have handled this? What were your dark masters orders/objectives and what were the repercussions for your players defiance?
My players Monstorous was a nerdy human who met a demon on the internet who made him half demon in exchange for serving him. My idea right now is for his master to be a big hungry demon who requests my player bring him things to feed on. It will request random things and human victims. As this goes on it grows in size and hunger until it will have to be dealt with in its own mystery. I was also thinking that if my hunter fails the dark master will retaliate by causing the players powers to malfunction during a mystery. It can also send in its other followers to rough him up to keep him in line if he tries to defy him.
What do you guys think?
Sounds like a good plan to me.
Additional thought after some time: probably nice to build up slowly. Start with some things the hunter won’t mind sacrificing and ramp up to dubious and then outright horrible requests.
Have the demon take the form of an aging overweight cop and have him request things like snow cones and to go watch a bear riding a unicycle.
(Please let someone get this reference.)
Michael Sands great thanks! That’s what I was thinking as well
If one of my hunters chooses the Monstrous, I might be steali…er…borrowing this idea!