It occurred to me tonight I’d really like a set of cards with the wrestling moves illustrations on them. Take the ones from the book, add more and give us a set of flash cards for inspiring descriptions, learning move names, and randomizing sequences for NPWs. I know we have the nice ref sheet, but lately I’ve been digging cards as a rpg tool. I just got my copy of Operators which uses cards for describing combat maneuvers and that got me thinking about this.
It occurred to me tonight I’d really like a set of cards with the wrestling moves illustrations on them.
It occurred to me tonight I’d really like a set of cards with the wrestling moves illustrations on them.
That would very useful, and a random table for NPW matches or events backstage could add tons of story fodder.
What an awesome idea!
Step-Up Enzigiri! DDT! Death Valley Driver! Sit-Out Powerbomb! I like it.
It’s a great idea!
Maybe color code them by types– and have alternate names for them listed to show the range of what they’re called.
The problem being getting the rights to the art, or pictures, otherwise I’d say make them yourself! I’d buy them!
I think it could be a great stretch goal or add on if Nathan ever does another KS for WWW (2e or more stuff). I dig Hutton’s illos.
I approve this message!
This is a fun idea! I can see if Gregor would be ok with me providing the existing illustrations for folks to use in such applications, it’s not something I have the bandwidth for right now.
I found this one day, and forgot about it. It’s pretty overwhelming. The outline is helpful though. – Professional Wrestling Move Library