Hi! Finally got a game of SCUP going and enjoying it immensely.

Hi! Finally got a game of SCUP going and enjoying it immensely.

Hi! Finally got a game of SCUP going and enjoying it immensely.

I’m looking for input from the community about custom moves (I love custom moves in AW).

In my game the PCs are going out to hunt down a monster.

I like to put the decision in the player’s hands:

When hunting a monster, roll+Sly. On a 10+ choose 2. On a 7-9 choose 1.

-they don’t get the drop on you

-you take less harm

-you take control of the situation

On a miss, you are infected by parasitic worms.


When hunting a monster, roll+Sly. On a 10+ you find them before they find you. On a 7-9 MC chooses 1.

-they come out of nowhere. Take -1 forward

-there are more of them than you thought

-they carry off or kill an NPC companion

Share your thoughts and custom moves.

3 thoughts on “Hi! Finally got a game of SCUP going and enjoying it immensely.”

  1. I’m less familiar with SCUP, but from what I know about it, it’s a game about Game of Thrones-style plotting and drama. If so, I’d definitely want to make the move reflect back into the politics.

    To that end, I really like the “you are infected by parasitic worms” and “they carry off or kill an NPC companion” because of the way that can play into further intrigues. Parasitic worms complicate your ability to function in intrigue normally, and an NPC companion being killed or carried off can throw a monkey wrench into plots, kinda like how the boar in Game of Thrones kicked off the powder keg.

    So I’d think along those lines. What consequences might throw monkey wrenches in intrigue, and what consequences might give you opportunities? For example, you might explicitly include a consequence of glory or reputation earned by a success in hunting.

  2. Andy Hauge This move stems from giving the Gauntlet something to when she isn’t putting rebels to the sword, so I was imagining the move to be followed by some Engage in Combat moves. I do really like the glory idea, and the combat move does allow for that, but here is another custom move:

    When you go monster hunting and bring home a trophy, roll+Wily. On a 10+ ales of your glorious battle precede you and you are feted throughout the city. On a 7-9 choose 1:

    -there are those who decry the slaughter

    -you bring an infection into the city

    -someone takes your glory for themselves

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