Hello all,
since G+ will be shut down in the (relatively) near future, this group will also disappear. Would anyone be interested in continuing this group elsewhere? I could set up a Discord or Facebook group if there is enough interest. (I’d vastly prefer Discord)
As a sub question: would it make a difference if the new group was for Sagas only or all my games going forward?
Also, I will be combing through the old posts here and compiling a sort of FAQ that I can host elsewhere. If there were any particular posts or conversations that you would like to see preserved, or stuck in your mind, or any questions you still find unanswered, let me know.
I’m on Facebook, likely not on Discord; would love to follow either.
I’d love it if it was for all of your work!
Discord, I think, from my perspective.
Discord is a chat platform that presents a fire hose of conversation, not information about a thing. Blogging is where it’s at, IMO
I’m not on Facebook, so that’s a non-starter for me, and as Aaron Griffin points out, Discord is a platform for realtime chat, and is not a good substitute for forums/communities like this.
I wish I had a better option to offer, but I think the suggestion of a blog is a good one.
I’d join the Discord group. If you are open to trying MeWe, I have found that the group functions are very good. It’s very similar to G+ and groups include a continuous stream chat.
I left Facebook almost three years ago. I agree a blog would be a good option.
I would follow Sagas of the Icelanders and the rest of your games both on Facebook and Discord. I have a FAQ document (in Italian) which, maybe, you could find useful.
Definitely interested, wherever it goes.
I would join a Facebook group. Discord is not my thing. I have too many already and don’t see a way to organize them and I just can’t stand the interface. I wouldn’t join a Discord.
I prefer blog, then Facebook, Discord is the least preferable
Blog, definitely.
blog, discord… house fire… then facebook
Hm, lots of options and opinions. Let me mull this over for a few more days, I’ll decide how to proceed by Monday.
And Daniele Di Rubbo your FAQ would be very useful, thank you. Send me a link via mail or something.
Wonderful! Iʼm sending you the link via email soon as possible.
Ok, so, it took a few more days to make a decision (I didn’t take the holidays into consideration) but here’s how you can stay in touch/keep abreast of what I’ll be doing in the future.
While facebook is the most convenient for a number of reasons I’m really trying to get away from it (the company’s ethics being one of several factors). If someone else wants to set up a facebook group for discussing Sagas, you have my blessing and go ahead with it, but I decided I don’t want to do it myself.
If you just want to keep an eye on surface developments, I’ll try being active on twitter. It hasn’t gone over terribly well in the past, but it’s worth a shot. I’m also on dice.camp over at mastodon, but not really posting there either.
twitter: https://twitter.com/gregorvuga
mastodon: https://dice.camp/@gregorvuga
If you ever want to chat directly, I’m teataine#8391 on Discord.
For when I feel like ranting about stuff at length and talk about game design in more depth, I still have my old blog over at:
redmoosegames.blogspot.com – red moose games
I’ve been slowly bringing the blog back to life after a prolonged hiatus and I’ll try to post there at least two or three times a month. I’m guessing it will be my main public output for the foreseeable future.
Cheers, and happy holidays.
Gregor Vuga Good to know about your blog, it looks interesting! Hope you will publish the future news about the Sagas there?
Jarosław Daniel Yes, if I have any news about the game I’ll try to remember to put it up on the blog. 🙂
Gregor Vuga thank you for the update. It’s impossible to please everyone’s tastes but it’s great that Saga will have some places to live.