Guys, I’m back in here.

Guys, I’m back in here.

Guys, I’m back in here. I’m not bringing anything new, cause my computer is kind of spoiled now. But that’s another stuff.

I’m here today for an opinion. As you guys saw on the Basic Moves post, my game will have a concept of Low and High profile, and I want it to be something more than a tag to a move or an action: I want my players to feel it. I’ve beem thinking about that, and:

1 – What if, when using a High Profile Move, the players roll 3d6 instead of the common 2d6?


2 – What if this 3rd d6 is, somehow different, with specific effects?


3 – What if the moves, when in High Profile, have options like “On a 15+, you…”?

Well, I hope you guys can give me some light.

4 thoughts on “Guys, I’m back in here.”

  1. Have you checked your math and stuff for 2d6 vs 3d6 and your target numbers? Because that’s the first thing to do, is make sure those curves are ones you like.

  2. Meguey Baker Sort of. My goal is to make High Profile moves really “explosive”. Maybe even uncontrolable. Players need them, but need to choose carefully to use’em. That’s why, for the first playtest, I’m thinking to keep the 6-, 7-9, and 10+ stuff, and add the high profile stuff.

    A friend of mine also said “why don’t you do some ‘High Profile Hard Moves’ for the MR to react when players miss the roll in High Profile moves?”… and I’m also thinking about that.

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