One thought on “Love Letters from my most recent Apocalypse World game:”

  1. Any time you make a hard move, you can give the player of Buster a choice “you can solve this right now by talking to someone or else [you or somebody else] is going to [lose something/take damage/get captured]”

    AW is about hard choices, you can find out how hard of a choice this is for Buster when other peoples’ lives are on the line.

    I did this to our Maestro d’ to see just how much he cared about his business, we had a lot of missed rolls and I would turn to him and say “Okay, something really bad is going to happen to him, or else something goes bad for your business” and his choices got one PC blown up by a grenade, another PC separated from the group by a hail of gunfire, and got an NPC who was following him killed. Fun times!

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