In apocalypse world, I am not sure what circumstances would warrant saying that another character knows me less in…

In apocalypse world, I am not sure what circumstances would warrant saying that another character knows me less in…

In apocalypse world, I am not sure what circumstances would warrant saying that another character knows me less in the HX after session. My character and another character have an intense conversation, we know each other better. Our characters have an argument or fight well now we know each other better. I heal you now I know you better. I hurt you now you know me better. We don’t talk to each other at all, our Hx stays the same. Just because our characters don’t get along doesn’t mean we know each other less. 

8 thoughts on “In apocalypse world, I am not sure what circumstances would warrant saying that another character knows me less in…”

  1. Your character and another have an intense conversation. Your character thinks, “oh, the other character thinks this because she believes X.”  But you’re wrong – she thinks that because she believes Y. So the next time you have to guess what the other character thinks, you assume X and get it wrong.

  2. My best answer?  That character had a life-changing event in that session (not unheard of in AW).  And it’s one you weren’t a part of, or wouldn’t understand.

  3. Also, it’s a way of saying “I thought I knew you, but I don’t – you are not the person I thought you were.” It can be a distancing tactic.

  4. Demonstration of profound misunderstanding might warrant it? 

    “You thought that was leverage?”

    “You think I care/didn’t care?”


  5. If you assume that Hx is part actually knowing people and part perception, then a reduction could be justified by someone doing something your character would have considered out of character for the other guy at the time. 

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