Many thanks to Marco Moretti , who did these marvellous photos of #DilemmaCon , our open-to-everyone,…

Many thanks to Marco Moretti , who did these marvellous photos of #DilemmaCon , our open-to-everyone,…

Many thanks to Marco Moretti , who did these marvellous photos of #DilemmaCon , our open-to-everyone, no-admission-price promotional event for the game!

We met, we played Dilemma ( #DilemmaRPG ), Kagematsu and other games, we ate together and had a great time together!

And, above all, we shared our Wings’ colors!

Dilemma is a Powered By The Apocalypse game by Manuela Soriani , Marco Andreetto , Mattia Bulgarelli.

Luca Veluttini took care of most of the arrangements for the day, Mario Bolzoni took care of the t-shirts’s delivery, printing, etc.

P.S.: if you’re interested in getting one, contact me, we’ll probably do a second print run. First run was made for an exceptional, no-profit price of 5€ each!

Originally shared by Marco Moretti

Added photos to DilemmaCON.


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