Those looking for a Mass Effect game, here is what I designed for Matthew Skau.

Those looking for a Mass Effect game, here is what I designed for Matthew Skau.

Those looking for a Mass Effect game, here is what I designed for Matthew Skau. I used Andrew Medeiros’s player sheets as the basis for these sheets as well with his permission.

Not as fancy as what I usually do, but it it put everything into one nice clean, consistent form.

26 thoughts on “Those looking for a Mass Effect game, here is what I designed for Matthew Skau.”

  1. Email me and I’ll share it with you. More like Aliens, but with a dose of noir as well. Have you read any of the Gap Into series by Stephen R. Donaldson?

  2. First off…  Damn.  Nice work.  Second:  What app are you using to do the layout in?  Third, minor point, but on the character sheets themselves Apocalypse is spelled incorrectly.

  3. Brennan OBrien, good catch ….. I will change those now and get them uploaded above in the next 15.

    As his document was just in word, I just did it in there. The people cut out in photoshop, vectored through AI and then brought back into PS to throw in a simple  layout done.

    If you look at my stuff from the ‘Hood or my new WoD AW stuff, I use InDesign for projects I want to spend more than a couple of hours on,

  4. Mark Causey, I like where that document is going … feels a lot like EvE online to me. Please keep me informed on how it goes, I would love to help out in the playtest, but I am swamped with my own games.

  5. Tommy Rayburn  I’ve actually been using this (which I found on an obsidian portal site earlier) as a basis for my own Mass Effect hack. I’ve tweaked some stuff with another hack I found and changed about some Moves and equipment. I’ll gladly share it with you when I’m done if you’re interested.

  6. Joshua Chewning, if you want to take the text and set it up as addon rules I can tack on the end, I will gladly add it in, but as Michael okayed me to do this for him, I don’t want switch up what he wrote.

  7. Great stuff, very comprehensive! Quick typo : the Adept class move, Singularity, it says “On a 10+, spend 3; on 7-9, spend 2” instead of hold 3 and hold 2.

  8. I didn’t write any of the text, just laying it out and helping pass it along. So if everyone leaves typos and errors here, I will wait and do one last publishing when Joshua sends me his document.

  9. Joshua Chewning,

    1.) Well, either way I do not want to send out documents for every possible version. So, I would still rather people read and proof.

    2.) If you need my assets or any that I can create when you are done. Nothing personal to anyone, but my allegiance is to the best possible document that can be created for each category. The flavor/background text is pulled from a large d20 Mass Effect document that was working on, I have even more if you need it and have room. Hit me up sometime with what kind of changes you are thinking of making.

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