I just had a thought and I feel inclined to share with you lovely folk.

I just had a thought and I feel inclined to share with you lovely folk.

I just had a thought and I feel inclined to share with you lovely folk.

Apocalypse World functions magnificently as an allegory  It can represent  the far flung conclusions of “Far Right” exclusionism compounded with Guns and complete disregard for others, like a straw man Libertarian wet dream. It also can do Geo-Political conflicts in the miniature, with parties being representative of countries with same goals in mind. (These are the very specific themes of the two AW games I am running at current.)

It’s dawned on me that AW could also be an allegory for internet culture. The selfish performance based reality, the making and ending of people with reckless abandon, the complete lack of concrete relationships and over abundance of painful instruments (in the Internets case memes and trolls) are all indicative of the environment we experience as internet dwellers. At the very least the cruelty level is the same.

Oh! And the sex.

3 thoughts on “I just had a thought and I feel inclined to share with you lovely folk.”

  1. Well, Vincent did say somewhere that 3:16 was a primary inspiration for AW, and 3:16 is an anti-war allegory.

    If AW seems like a political allegory, it may only be because it’s about scarcity. And politics is all about the management of resources. Right?

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