One day left to back Pirate World!

One day left to back Pirate World!

One day left to back Pirate World!

My RPG sourcebook for Dungeon World has had a really successful kickstarter (500% funded so far!) and there’s not much time left to back it! On top of beautiful artwork from two amazing artists, the book has so, so much content:

* 7 Core playbooks (weird and inventive, like the Brute, Pirate, Alchemist and lovecraftian Reefmonger!) plus 3 bonus from stretch goals

* a huuuuuge and diverse setting chapter, full of crazy races (like arachs, giant crustaceans who control the smuggling industry), locations, hirelings and starter adventures/ one-off adventures

* Hirelings! Loyal (or not) servants who’re designed to be unique characters for the player to control

* Backgrounds! Customise your character from the first level

* Luncheon World! Streamlined RPG rules to run games online, or on your lunch break. Should hopefully apply to most PBtA games too.

Even if you don’t want to sail an underwater dwarfship filled with explosive goblins (though I honestly don’t know why you wouldn’t want to do that) or pilot an iceberg filled with vikings, this book should have tons of content to love 🙂

Special thanks to Vincent for coming up with such a malleable framework, and for releasing it to everyone to tinker with!