Tomorrow I start my first game of AW 2nd edition…well at least as much as in the test doc.

Tomorrow I start my first game of AW 2nd edition…well at least as much as in the test doc.

Tomorrow I start my first game of AW 2nd edition…well at least as much as in the test doc. Excited to explore specific themes. I read though once about a person using slack in Nights Black Agents as away to keep track of what’s going on in Game for all to see online. Are there any online tools people have used with AW to enhance the experience?

3 thoughts on “Tomorrow I start my first game of AW 2nd edition…well at least as much as in the test doc.”

  1. I create links to a private tumblr for my games where I post a face pic for each npc that links to the npc in the google doc.This creates a double remembrance, one visual and one written. It helps my players remember the npcs better. Other than that, no I don’t have any specific examples.

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