I started out with this as a joke… but now I’d love to run this in my game. lol

I started out with this as a joke… but now I’d love to run this in my game. lol

I started out with this as a joke… but now I’d love to run this in my game. lol

Originally shared by Joshua Bailey

My take on the sexy armor issue (that re-emerged for some reason recently?). I was going to say that it was just a joke… but it may have turned out too much fun to be just a joke… lol I’d totally use this in game.


2 thoughts on “I started out with this as a joke… but now I’d love to run this in my game. lol”

  1. I went ahead and figured up the statistics for fun. lol (by hand, it seems faster to me that way. =P) Maxed out (i.e., assuming you had +2 hot, took the improvement for the Sexy Armor, and never took the +1 harm for rolling a miss) it averages out at 1.75 armor, so it’s only a little worse than Impossible Reflexes on it’s own. If you allowed it to stack with Impossible Reflexes though… Yea, it’d be pretty broken. =P (The minimum is 0.7¯2 armor, so even at the min, it would be almost 3 armor on average. lol) What’s really crazy is the max with +3 hot, the improvement and assuming you never took the +1 harm. It averages to 2.¯3 armor then. (and even if you took the +1 harm option every time, it would still average 2.25)

    Also, it’s important to remember the someone part. If you walk into a room full of C-4 thinking your chainmail bikini is going to protect you, well… lol

    (I figured I’d post this both places, so both communities could see it.)

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