Something that just occurred to me…

Something that just occurred to me…

Something that just occurred to me…

Why don’t we have Dungeon (Mission/Situation?) starters for games other than DW?

I think these would work particularly well for “The Regiment”, Traveller World and Star Wars World and can’t see why they wouldn’t work in other hacks or even AW itself. They aren’t really adventures, but can serve as fantastic sources of inspiration IMO. 

It’s time for me to get to work I think. 🙂

10 thoughts on “Something that just occurred to me…”

  1. DW has a strong, if superficial, link to D&D and its emphasis on DM prep and published modules so Starters made sense there. They would necessarily take on a different form for other games.

  2. John Harper  I’d love to see Regimental Starters Orders in sealed manila envelopes.  When you’re at GOD or whatever, you break one open and go.  It’d be cool if they were something lots of people made and shared.

      Maybe each one gets a serial number on the outside, then people could comment on good sets of missions to form a campaign.

  3. I haven’t read or played Dungeon World yet, despite having backed the Kickstarter (I am such a slacker), but it sounds like tremulus may provide something similar-ish with its playsets. Except as remixed via Durance world generation.

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