I’m trying to decide between two versions of a move I’m working on.

I’m trying to decide between two versions of a move I’m working on.

I’m trying to decide between two versions of a move I’m working on.

Version A:

You can never throw anything away. When you search your collection of odds and ends for something specific, roll with Dark. On a 10+, you find the item quickly and take +1 forward when using it. On a 7-9, choose one or the other. On a 6-, the MC will name an item belonging to someone else. Mark XP when you add it to your collection.

Version B:

You never throw anything away. When you search your collection of odds and ends for a specific item, roll with Dark. On a 10+, pick two and on a 7-9, pick one:

– it’s found quickly;

– it’s perfect for the job;

– it’s actually valuable.

On a 6-, the MC will point out a nearby item. Mark XP when you add it to your collection.

I’m not sure if the move needs the 6- part. Normally I don’t include them, but I really wanted to drive home the point that on a miss you need to add something to your collection. Something that will cause problems.

8 thoughts on “I’m trying to decide between two versions of a move I’m working on.”

  1. I think I’d go B, but flip it so that it’s 10+ pick 1 and 7-9 pick 2, with choices more like:

    – it takes a while to find

    – it’s not exactly what you wanted, but close enough

    – it’s somehow broken, incomplete, or rubbish

    I agree that on the miss, “an item belonging to someone else” is better than “nearby.”

  2. Some variant of B seems more workable to me.

    On a 6 or less I’d recommend it be something like, “You find an item in your collection, all right, but it’s not what you’re looking for. It’s something you’d forgotten you’d picked up, and with a mounting sense of dread you realize that having it in your possession is going to make your present situation a LOT more complicated.”

  3. Version B seems to be the winner. I struggled with the three possible options for B. Fast and good came easily, but the third option wasn’t coming.

    Having to add an item to your collection that belongs to someone else is much more interesting than just picking a nearby object. The idea was that your collection had some kind of power over you.

    I think I like Jim Ryan’s suggestion of the item already being there much better. It reinforces the idea that you’re constantly adding items, even when you don’t remember doing so. 

  4. What’s the fictional purpose of this move?

    I’m guessing it’s to find an item that’s helpful in the current situation.  If that’s the case, then the options would be better if they directly address this purpose.  For example: On a 10+ you have something helpful to hand; on a 7-9 you find something helpful but chose one:

    – It takes time to find it

    – It does only part of what you want

    – It’s damaged or weak

    – it belongs to someone else

    As a rule of thumb, it’s better to leave the 6- result to the GM – that way they can come up with something that better fits the fiction at the time.  You only need to specify a 6- result when you have a strong reason for forcing a particular result on a Fail (e.g. the character still gets to Hold 1 even on a Fail).

  5. In the Chinese Zodiac and Eastern mythology, Rats are known for acquiring and hoarding wealth. It’s seen as a positive trait most of the time. I was drawing inspiration from that and playing on the idea of being a pack rat.

    I agree that it’s usually better to not have a 6- clause so the MC can pick an appropriate MC move. I was just drawing a blank here. Thanks for the input. 🙂

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