I was chatting with a friend who is pretty new to Apocalypse World and next week we’re playing together in a demo…

I was chatting with a friend who is pretty new to Apocalypse World and next week we’re playing together in a demo…

I was chatting with a friend who is pretty new to Apocalypse World and next week we’re playing together in a demo game. While chatting I thought to provide him with some advice and I was struck by how much what I casually said resonated with me. This is what Apocalypse World is about (at least in my eyes). Thanks Vincent!

Here’s what I said…

“My advice with Apoc World. Find one or two NPC’s and let yourself fall in love with them, as a player and a character. Once you care about someone the game totally clicks into gear. No one can hurt you in AW, outside of a few injuries and whatnot. But when you care about someone, you’re truly vulnerable. It’s art then.”