So what is Shutting Someone Down

So what is Shutting Someone Down

So what is Shutting Someone Down

The book isn’t really helpfull here. What i gatherered is that you have to do something active to do that. Just starring at them like they are nothing is not enough (is it?).

I am also not clear if you clearly have to hurt them emotionaly/socially or not. 

12 thoughts on “So what is Shutting Someone Down”

  1. Shutting somebody down stops whatever they are trying to do.  This could be ending a crush, an argument, or stop somebody from making a bad decision   This does not mean that you convince them not to do it, but you put them in a position where they likely feel forced not to.

  2. Joe Mcdaldno recently posted something about the relationship between Turn Someone One and Shut Someone Down that rocked my world. Basically, he said that, in Monsterhearts, you don’t have control over who you’re attracted to (TSO) but you do have control over how to alienate people or keep them at arm’s length (SSD). Ever since then, those moves have seemed much clearer to me.

  3. Joe Mcdaldno’s having trouble posting to this thread, so he asked me to pass the following along:


    The phrase “shutting someone down” is a familiar phrase where I am from, and so I imagine some helpful cultural context has been lost. You’re shutting someone down whenever you say intentionally hurtful or dismissive things. If someone asks you to the dance and you say no, that’s just awkward. If someone asks you to the dance and you say, “Eww, no, that’s ridiculous you little mutt,” then you’re shutting them down.

    You’re shutting someone down whenever you bully them, try to push them away from you emotionally, try to alienate them, try to make them feel like a less-than-human loser, try to dismiss their argument or interrupt them and prevent them from talking, etc.

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