It’s not much, but I’ve taken all five of Johnstone Metzger’s Heralds of Hell playbooks and put them into a single…

It’s not much, but I’ve taken all five of Johnstone Metzger’s Heralds of Hell playbooks and put them into a single…

It’s not much, but I’ve taken all five of Johnstone Metzger’s Heralds of Hell playbooks and put them into a single pdf file. Let me know if you spot any typos or errors.

2 thoughts on “It’s not much, but I’ve taken all five of Johnstone Metzger’s Heralds of Hell playbooks and put them into a single…”

  1. I’m attending PAX East this weekend (am currently sitting in a cafe in Toronto on my way to Boston) and Forge Midwest next month, but I have no plans for GenCon at the moment, but that’s because I wouldn’t have a place to stay in Indianapolis and I’m getting married this summer (and that’s expensive).

    Long story short: Maybe, but more likely next year.

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