22 thoughts on “Has anyone done a Vampire: the Masquerade PbtA hack?”

  1. Default Urban Shadows does not quite fit the bill for me. Played a couple of sessions. It felt more Dresden Files than V:tM (at least to me).  I’ll have a look at the Vampire specific hack, see if that works.   I’ll also check out Undying 🙂  Cheers

  2. Cool!  It definitely looks like what I am looking for.  I just joined the G+ Community for it. Paul Riddle – Is it going to be published/released in final format/kickstarted/whatever at some point? 🙂

  3. Yes! I’m shooting for a summer kickstarter. The featured item will be an awesome, old-school looking hardcover designed by John Harper, with PDF and probably softcover options too. The book is currently in its final round of editing and the final book has about twice the content of the playtest version. I’ll continue to post updates to the G+ community as things fall into place.

  4. Philipp Neitzel I don’t think Undying is a rough conversion of VTM. One of the things that pops out to me is that clans are defined mainly by distinctive powers while Undying playbooks are defined by how they use to interact with characters and environment. Vampiric power are assumed to be shared about ‘kindreds’ unless otherwise defined previously.

  5. It might be I am confusing Undying with another hack or it has evolved way past the last time I looked at it, yet I remember it being at the time a 1 to 1 conversion?

  6. Undying is not a 1:1 conversion as far as I know. But would have been something worth mentioning in that conversation.

    It is hitting some of the same tropes of course.

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