

hello! glad I found this community. I love PbtA games. I’ve run urban shadows and I’m also part of a podcast that exclusively runs Uncharted Worlds. I’ve link our website here in case anyone wanted to check it out. After running shadowrun for a few years it is great to find a game system with light rules with a ton of narrative control. I’m also looking into other PbtA games like sprawl, any other recommendations?


8 thoughts on “hello!”

  1. Hey, thanks for the kind words :)! Just released the PDF for the expansion to it as well. Even more playbooks and lots of settings by tons of awesome designers, including Hamish and Dana Cameron, folks behind The Sprawl mentioned above.

  2. Monsterhearts 2 is beautifully written. True poetry; clear rules, wonderful thoughts, brilliant design.

    Monsterhearts is one of my favorite games, and I’d ha good sessions in Playing Monsterhearts (1), but even so I stayed up until 3 P.M. because it was captivating.

    I think (allmost) all design tweaks are for the better, (and I haven’t played, so I’ll reserve judgement for those I’m on the fence for…)

    Monsterhearts have so much theme!

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