17 thoughts on “Grahhh. Play book writing. Grahhhhh. So many moving parts!”

  1. Ok, y’all. You asked for it. I’m working on a play book that’s all about the lush green wet clean watery goodness. The Waterbearer is the person who tends this place. It’s a weird/sharp play book, and you get to detail the Source kind of like the Savvyhead gets to detail a Workspace, or the Maestro’d gets to detail their scene. I have the moves rumbling around in my head and once they land, they’ll be solid, but getting them to settle down is being a bit like catching a fish barehanded.

  2. …ok, sorry for the puns. They’re terrible, i know, it’s just been a very long day.

    Anyway, the idea sounds great! I’d love to play that, too!

    Also, if you ever though about getting feedback or having it playtested, I’d love to lend a hand!

  3. By the way, has this been completed? We’re starting a game with Mario Bolzoni​, and as he mentioned that he’s very interested in playbooks exploring the community angle, this came back to my mind

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