With this “unemployment” thing I’ve got going on, I find I have extra time.

With this “unemployment” thing I’ve got going on, I find I have extra time.

With this “unemployment” thing I’ve got going on, I find I have extra time.

I’ve spent this time in a variety of ways, one of which is on my Apocalypse World game. If you are in this game, read no further. It’ll make the game worse for you.

For everyone else – this is a game of abuse and misuse of power, the effects of violence on the psyche, drugs and depression. I’ve taken some imagery from Fallout, so keep that in mind. I’m looking for any advice on love letters – which I’m planning to send next session, and see what happens.

We started with two characters (and a Driver who left quickly):

1. The Quarantine: She is from the Golden Age of Legend. She wears powered armor, and carries advanced weaponry. She has a plasma assault rifle. We’ve learned what she wants from life is to live with her wife in a little house, and ignore the rest of the world. I’m going to tempt her with that when next we meet.

2. The Operator. He’s a mover and shaker in the world, and always has a job or two going. His first of session move (Moonlighting) greatly effects what happens in game. He’s been communing with the psychic maelstrom, including learning to summon Ghouls (people whove lost part of their humanity, including the need for sleep) and giving a maelstrom infused tumor to the river, which is the source of the ghouls. His next  advance may lead him to being a Brainer.

Which is all the better, as we now have:

3. The Hocus. With a ever-growing group that listen to his every word, Want Rabbit is leading his people away from other settlements. He feeds them drugs and they slowly loose the need for anything aside from him. I’ve found it difficult to challenge him – perhaps next time, there will be a fight among his cult, especially as he allowed some ghouls to join.  He’s talking about wanting a place to settle down that is just his, and I may offer him a hold, but at a cost.

4. The Skinner. I’m really happy she joined the crew. Orchid was working in Maestra Krim (NPC)’s establishment, largely between the sheets. She’s slowly getting every PC to owe her favors, and is good at plying her art to make others do as she wants. She’s talking about taking over Maestra Krim’s and becoming a Maestro D’. I don’t want to offer her that yet – I don’t think the story is done yet – but I may offer her to advance her “Seduce/Manipulate”, which’d mean, among other things, she won’t need to record hold as often against NPCs. It also gives them a chance….


There’s about four fronts, and I expect to offer them each something at next session, through the use of love letters.  

For the Quarantine: To either take up a symbol of hope and set about making a better world, or to retire to safety with her wife. Maybe adopt some kids, try to raise them away from the maelstrom. Good luck, and god speed. 

For The Operator: To gig the obligation gig Keeping the Maelstrom Happy (You keep it happy / you fucking blow it), and an option for the next advance to be to Brainer along with a +1 weird. I’d also let him change his paying gigs.

For the Hocus: A hold, guranteed. But, the Maelstrom wants something from him – I’m not sure what. Possibly torture, maybe just drugging someone. Maybe bringing more people into the fold of the maelstrom – those from the Golden Age of Legend (like the Quarantine) are able to keep it at bay, so long as they keep on their helmets. Maybe ruining them.

For the Skinner: Show beauty in the world, and advance Seduce/Manipulate. I don’t think I’d require her to use an advance. Mostly, I want to make sure she is not overshadowed, and the Hocus is pretty ridiculous. If she could manipulate important NPCs into putting her interests above their own, she’d be remarkable.

Those are my plans for love letters. I’m open to any and all feedback. I know I didn’t give a lot of information on the world, but rest assured it is a weird, desperate place – with military juntas trying to rule by the barrel of a gun.

4 thoughts on “With this “unemployment” thing I’ve got going on, I find I have extra time.”

  1. How much of a hack do you think you need?

    I asked the Quarantine how her weapons were high-tech — and gave all of them the tag — and that told us. I asked if the vehicles had wheels or hover. I threw in a monster or two — which was the most far afield from AW I’ve gone — and it seemed to work.

    What else do you think you need?

  2. Cool. Make sure to let me know how it goes. And, just as important, I’d love to know what moves you make up. Depending on what you want to emphasize, having moves specific for the Enclave or the Brotherhood could be good. I might even emphasize the lack of clean water, and maybe bring in a GECK into moves.

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