6 thoughts on “What have been some of your favorite PC outlooks?”

  1. Oz, a Savyhead: “I just want to kill or hurt the guys that create pain in the world. All those people that think to know what is best for everyone, push them arround and hurt or kill them” 


  2. Well, I mean, it says “Everyone introduces their character by name, look, and outlook.” It’s not a formal thing, but I do always try to press for a little something at least when I’m MCing.

  3. i like this idea, coming up with a pithy phrase (sort of like an aspect in FATE) to define your character’s outlook.

    on the other hand, i wouldn’t want to require my players to come up with them; i feel like that would induce performance anxiety in some players, and might encourage a nasty sort of “my character is cooler” competition between players that i loathe.

    groups i’ve been involved with have tended toward rambling introductions, which work fine for getting the game going, but aren’t particularly catchy. i can’t remember any quotes.

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