2 thoughts on “You could run a Thundarr the Barbarian game using MotW, AW, or DW depending on what you want to focus on in that…”

  1. It would really depend on what you want to get out of it. Classic Thundarr could be MotW for the most part. Episodic play with the monster replaced with a situation every now and then.

    AW would be dealing with the group dynamic and their needs and wants. Survival is harsh in the world of Thundar obviously.

    Finally DW would be braving ruins and exploration less than confronting monsters and each other.

    I would probably do DW cause it gives the best mix of things.

  2. Good points. Pretty much along the lines of what I was thinking after I got MotW. Then started considering how the other 2 games would look in that world. I do not own them but have listened to actual plays.

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