I suspect this has already been asked, but how much work do you think it would take to reskin MotW to a fantasy…

I suspect this has already been asked, but how much work do you think it would take to reskin MotW to a fantasy…

I suspect this has already been asked, but how much work do you think it would take to reskin MotW to a fantasy setting? Basically I was thinking about using pretty much the same playbook concepts, the same basic mystery setup, etc., but reskinned to a moderately dark classic fantasy setting. It would be humans-only, so that wouldn’t have to be reskinned (except for Monstrous, Summoned, etc.).

I don’t know that I’ll actually run this campaign, but I’m at least considering it. Has anyone done it? Thought about it? Any thoughts, suggestions, or warnings?

Thanks in advance.

8 thoughts on “I suspect this has already been asked, but how much work do you think it would take to reskin MotW to a fantasy…”

  1. I really like that idea. A lot. So might that I might steal it.

    I don’t think it would take a lot of heavy lifting at all. In fact, all you’d need to do is reskin certain pieces of equipment. Ranged weapons and armor, specifically.

    Other than that, it’s just a matter of going through the  playbooks and replacing all instances or mentions of tech to something setting appropriate.

  2. I was reading the Grim Workd beta (I backed the Kickstarter) and it’s great. I really like Dungeon World, but I got thinking that I liked the MotW style of character archetypes more than the DW classes (even though there are some great classes). That got me thinking about just using MotW with minimal reskinning.

  3. Ah, I’m sorry I missed out on Grim World. It looked cool.

    I just wanted to clarify something. Are you trying to do a “Medieval” Monster of the Week, or are you trying to do a “classless” Dungeon World? The first option just needs a simple reskin. The second option requires a lot more work.

  4. I mean fantasy/medieval MotW, not classless DW. I mentioned Grim World because it has some organizations and compendium classes around hunting, which is what got me thinking about using MotW in a fantasy setting. Sorry for the confusion.

  5. Right. Gotcha. So you want to play Monster of the Week: Dark Ages. Cool.

    As I said, I think you’d just need to go through the playbooks, replacing setting inappropriate stuff (tech-related stuff especially) with things that are appropriate. I seriously doubt you’d have to change any mechanics at all.

  6. Very little changes. You change weapons, and then…

    Flake has that “friends on the ‘net” move, so you’d have to reskin that to “friends in low places” or something; they have their  pulse on the criminal underworld.

    Professional probably steps on the toes of the Initiate too much, unless maybe you reskin the Professional…OOH! OOH! The Professional could be working for a Guild, or–rather–the secret monster-hunting branch of a Guild. That’d be super-cool.

    I think the rest of the playbooks fall into position, so long as you revamp the gear lists. They fall into position very nicely, in fact.

  7. Exactly what Andy Hauge said. The Initiate is still part of a cult (religious or otherwise) while The Professional still works for the government. In a “medieval” flavored game, “government” just takes a different form than it does currently.

  8. A couple of the limited edition playbooks might be a little tough to work in, like the Luchador. And the Exile might still work (they’d just have to predate the current era) but would feel different, I think.

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