Anyone ever crossed MotW with Dungeon World to get a more Medieval monster hunting vibe (I recognize MotW and/or DW…

Anyone ever crossed MotW with Dungeon World to get a more Medieval monster hunting vibe (I recognize MotW and/or DW…

Anyone ever crossed MotW with Dungeon World to get a more Medieval monster hunting vibe (I recognize MotW and/or DW can probably do this right out of the can)?

If so, did (or, would) you make any changes to Kick Ass, e.g. porting over Hack and Slash and/or Shoot?

The reason I ask is that I prefer the MotW classes, which break out of the classic mode of fighter-thief-mage-cleric and would like to see for example, a Professional-Crooked-Spell Slinger-Initiate group (if you wanted run something parallel) instead.

Also, the reason I specify Hack and Slash/Shoot is to possibly add High Heroics or Pulp to the mix vs. the gritty realism of Kick Ass.

Am I overthinking it?