An exciting session. The Team went to the zoo and cooed over a Time Sloth.

An exciting session. The Team went to the zoo and cooed over a Time Sloth.

An exciting session. The Team went to the zoo and cooed over a Time Sloth.

Panic (Delinquent) gave up some of her closely-guarded secrets in order to protect her other closely-guarded secrets.

Sonia (Bull) bonded/flirted with Panic’s wholesome superheroic older brother, Adonis.

Torque (Outsider) hacked a magic wand from inside a pocket dimension it had trapped him in.

Halfpenny (Protégé) argued with his mentor Penny Dreadnought about how to be a hero, and learned that his predecessor as Penny Dreadnought’s sidekick became a villain: Red Cent!

The team also dispatched with the anagram-casting witch and hammer-wielding minotaur that had shown up to cause trouble at Adonis’s press conference. Good job, Salvatores!

One thought on “An exciting session. The Team went to the zoo and cooed over a Time Sloth.”

  1. It’s been very amusing how much light romance has sneaked in. Our Beacon’s mom is trying to set him up with our Delinquent for Homecoming.

    And I (the Bull) seem to have gotten the awkward interest of the NPC who also was changed by the people who made me. At the end of our last adventure (when my fire powers got out of control), I asked him to spend the night with me (in the park where my character sleeps) which he was getting the wrong idea about. She wanted him to push her into the lake if she caught fire in her sleep.

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