I had a question.

I had a question.

I had a question… Say I want my Delinquent to grab one of the Janus’ moves (Dangerous web in particular). The move requires rolling with “your mask’s label” so without being forced into spending two advancements to get the Mask and Dangerous Web, how would I determine what label roll with? In a similar vein, I could see a Legacy wanting the Protege’s Heroic Tradition move, but that one references “the Label your mentor embodies.”

My current thought is to just pick whichever label seems most important to that playbook but I’m not sure if that really feels right since the Janus and Protege have more conflict with the labels the moves reference. I’m curious to see if this has come up for anyone else and how you’d handle it.

4 thoughts on “I had a question.”

  1. If you want Protege’s Heroic Tradition, you should see how, in the fiction, someone begins mentoring you. This fiction is actually quite part of the move. Once you have the mentor, ask yourself or the group which label is embodied by him. You can’t have a heroic tradition as a protege, if you don’t have a mentor embodying somethig you are trying to embody yourself.

    Same trail of thoughs with the Dangerous web move.

    If you want them, set up the proper fiction during play.

  2. Oh hey! I had a Delinquent who eventually took the Janus’ Dangerous Web move. Mostly because it was the one trap related move and was looking to expand on my character’s emphasis on prep work. I ended up rolling Superior as that was her main label she was known for, to the extent that I kept gaining conditions for it until a good opportunity for the Moment of Truth happened. I would say go with whatever your team perceives your character embodies.

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