I’m looking at running a one-shot for a mini-con in a few weeks, and was wondering if anyone had thoughts on…

I’m looking at running a one-shot for a mini-con in a few weeks, and was wondering if anyone had thoughts on…

I’m looking at running a one-shot for a mini-con in a few weeks, and was wondering if anyone had thoughts on “pre-gen” characters. I want to spend as little time as possible on character generation, but so much of the story comes out of the initial creation. So I’d like to have some balance.  Here’s what I was thinking:


Code Name

Playbook Moves

Let players choose:


Power set (if applicable)

“When we first teamed up”

–Pros/cons on those choices?  

–And what about Backstory? It’s such a fun thing for players to create, and would be very time consuming for me to make up for all possible pre-gens, but at the same time, this could take a lot of time that we could be interacting.

–Also, what to do about things like the Protege’s Mentor, The Legacy’s Legacy, and similar things?

–Are there any playbooks I should just leave out for a one-shot/con game?

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