Is there a find stuff out about the world move?

Is there a find stuff out about the world move?

Is there a find stuff out about the world move? A barf forth Apocalyptica, spout knowledge or investigation type move?

I found it missing in the game as the source material has a focus on investigation of some mysteries. Care to weigh in Jenni Sands?

10 thoughts on “Is there a find stuff out about the world move?”

  1. Yeah, I did miss the ‘investigate a mystery’ style move. I’m used to Monster of the Week and during our game we found out a little about the villain, we really wanted to be able to research what the villain’s modus operandi was. There wasn’t any obvious move for this 

  2. Assess is meant to cover it. Mysteries are much less of a focus in Masks than Monster of the Week, so the wording is broader, which may explain the gap.

    If Assess doesn’t feel right, it maybe suggesting that you don’t go to a move at all. Simply have the MC make a soft move to move things forward, like ‘Reveal the Future, subtly or directly’.

  3. See it as a feature, not a bug.

    When there isn’t a move for X (but X is a thing in related games) resist the urge to just hack it in. Figure out why it isn’t there and use the tools that are there. Especially GM moves.

  4. On top of what other folks have said, The Beacon’s Straight. Up. Creepin’. move has a few of its resulting questions taken straight from MotW’s Investigate a Mystery list, being all about investigating a person or place, and the other questions in that list can pretty much be answered by The Protege’s Been Reading The Files move, which is all about knowing stuff about supernatural beings.

    Protege and Legacy also both (potentially) have a way of asking an authoritative NPC for honest advice, which is a pretty nice pitch across the plate for the GM to hit you with some info.  Then The Outsider can “consult their alien knowledge to ask the GM a question” as part of their core Two Worlds move, and The Delinquent’s Criminal Mind move gives them extra choices on top of the base Assess list (“What here is useful to me?” makes a pretty great line for finding clues).

    ‘course, all of those options are subject to playbook and move selection at your particular table, but there’s some things you can pick through if you’re into learning stuff about the world that your heroes can’t just otherwise find by whipping out their phones and Googling it like everyone else. 😛

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