How many Arcs are recommended at any one time? Just 1, as they seem more multidimensional than most threat clocks?
How many Arcs are recommended at any one time? Just 1, as they seem more multidimensional than most threat clocks?
How many Arcs are recommended at any one time? Just 1, as they seem more multidimensional than most threat clocks?
From my reading just one.
I feel like 1, and then hooks add some personal “subplot” type beats to pick up the slack.
Keep a few going in different directions, in case some players don’t show up. Nothing worse than everyone else fighting your arch rival when you’re at the dentist.
Thanks guys. I also read 1 as the default. I think that would promote episodic stories which seems appropriate
I think it makes sense to only have one over-riding arc happening at one time, though having “seeds” of other arcs that can define where the story might go after the current arc has ended is what I’m choosing to do also. So there’s a kind of corruption arc going on at the moment, but it has seeds for restriction and invasion arcs, and it’ll depend where the players go as to which of those might become the next arc.