13 thoughts on “Has anyone made a Skin that doesn’t use the +1/+1/-1/-1 stat array?”

  1. Ross’ Giant was going to use a non-standard one, iirc, but after playtesting thought the better of it. It restricts the variety of starting options too much to not have more than one effective build.

  2. I could see that happening with a 2 (either plus or minus). Add your free point to a +2 and you’re nigh unstoppable in one area, but add it to a -2 and you’re still kinda crappy.

    It seems that a +1/-1/0/0 array would offer as much versatility as the normal one though.

  3. With +1/-1/0/0 you’ve still got only one stat that you could choose to put to +2 though. I think that could still work, but it’s not as versatile as the standard, & i’d fear that the designer was doing that simply to be novel rather than to be useful to the future players.

  4. Ha! And wouldn’t I just be the pot calling the kettle black over here, hey! I’m sure there are permutations that wouldn’t mess with that (0/0/0/0 would work) if you like. And there are so many other ways to be novel!

  5. My Evil twin (you play Hyde, Jekyll is your Dark side) is 0/0/0/0 add 1. But you get +1 for all violent/unsubtle tasks (turn on, attack and shut down) and -1 for the subtles/needing control ones (manipulate, stay calm, flee). You loose this move when you’re in your dark side. Contemplating abyss is not affected

  6. ‘Novel’ can be great!  The problem with ‘novel’ for the sake of being novel is that what might seem at first like a great idea might actually fall flat on it’s face upon application.  Novel is great if it’s also backed by solid support.

    As for a Skin without the normal stats, there is also the Angel.

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